CUbit Quantum Seminar

Quantum computing with Yb Rydberg atoms


Abstract: Neutral atom quantum computing is a rapidly developing field. Exploring new atomic species, such as alkaline earth atoms, provides additional opportunities for cooling and trapping, measurement, qubit manipulation, high-fidelity gates and quantum error correction. In this talk, I will present recent results from our group on implementing high-fidelity gates on nuclear spins encoded in metastable 171Yb atoms [1], including mid-circuit detection of gate errors that give rise to leakage out of the qubit space, using erasure conversion [2,3].

Integrated quantum photonic and acoustic sensors


Abstract: Integrated sensors have fundamentally revolutionized nearly all electronic systems. How can quantum technology contribute? In this talk, I aim to present recent advances in integrated quantum nonlinear photonics and electromechanics and outline their potential to enhance sensing technologies. I'll start by presenting Stokowski [1] and Park's [2] demonstrations of integrated quantum optical sensors and squeezed light sources in thin-film lithium niobate.

Learning in a quantum world

  • Abstract:This talk has two parts. In the first part I’ll reflect on the current status and prospects for quantum computing. In the second part I’ll describe recent results about using classical machine learning and quantum data to predict properties of complex quantum systems. In particular, these results highlight the potential for machine learning models to predict the output of a complex quantum process much faster than the time needed to run the process itself.

Cavity QED from Manybody Physics to Transduction


Abstract: In this talk, I will describe recent developments in the Simon/Schuster collaboration, where we are harnessing cavity quantum electrodynamics for both manybody physics and quantum information. I will begin with an overview of our photonic quantum materials efforts, highlighting the analogy between photons in a lattice of cavities (or family of cavity modes) and electrons in solids.