Poking Bose-Einstein condensates: dipoles and dynamics


Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) exhibit strange a surprising phenomena when a small
complication is introduced beyond the usual, weakly-interacting picture. I consider the effects of
a long-range dipolar interaction, where the dipoles interact anisotropically due to their intrinsic
magnetic dipole moments. Here, all the dipoles are aligned by an external field. I first consider an
alternative theoretical framework, known as the hyperspherical formalism, to approach the dipolar
BEC. I show a general correspondence between the hypshperical approach and certain Gaussian
ansatze to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. I then consider the effects of a weak optical lattice on the
supersolid ground state of a dipolar BEC. In this state, without a perturbing lattice, the BEC forms
arrays of self stable droplets. These arrays often have a hexagonal symmetry, and so I consider a
square optical lattice, whereby the symmetry of the lattice competes with the intrinsic symmetry
of the ground state.

I also consider the effects of suddenly changing the scattering length. In order to reach the
strongly interacting state of a BEC, one must greatly increase the scattering length. If this is done
too slowly, then all the atoms are lost to three-body recombination. If this is done too quickly,
then one does not project strongly onto the ground state here. Instead, I propose a mode-matching
protocol, whereby one can project onto the strongly interacting ground state nearly exactly by a
simultaneous quench of the trap and the scattering length. I also consider the effects of a quench
in a box-trapped BEC, where a quench to exactly four times the initial scattering length can cause
robust production of solitons in a box. This is robust to 3D effects as well as imperfect quenches
and box walls.

Year of Publication
Academic Department
Department of Physics
Number of Pages
Date Published
University of Colorado
JILA PI Advisors
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