A. Celotti

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Reynolds C.S., M.J. Ward, A.C. Fabian, and A. Celotti, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 291, (1997).
Pian E., C.M. Urry, A. Treves, L. Maraschi, S.V. Penton, J.M. Shull, J.E. Pesce, P. Grandi, T. Kii, R.I. Kollgaard, and G.M. Madejski, The Astrophysical Journal 486, 784-798 (1997).
Edelson R.A., J.H. Krolik, G.M. Madejski, L. Maraschi, G.F. Pike, C.M. Urry, W. Brinkmann, T.J.-L. Courvoisier, J. Ellithorpe, K. Horne, and A. Treves, The Astrophysical Journal 438, 120 (1995).
Migliori G., A. Siemiginowska, B.C. Kelly, L. Stawarz, A. Celotti, and M.C. Begelman, The Astrophysical Journal 780, 165 (2014).
Burlon D., G. Ghirlanda, G. Ghisellini, D. Lazzati, L. Nava, M. Nardini, and A. Celotti, The Astrophysical Journal 685, L19 - L22 (2008).
Guetta D., G. Ghisellini, D. Lazzati, and A. Celotti, Astronomy And Astrophysics 421, 877-886 (2004).
Begelman M.C., and A. Celotti, Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 352, L45 - L48 (2004).