@article{4297, author = {Charles Bevis and Robert Karl and Jonathan Reichanadter and Dennis Gardner and Christina Porter and Elisabeth Shanblatt and Michael Tanksalvala and Giulia Mancini and Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane and Daniel Adams}, title = {Multiple beam ptychography for large field-of-view, high throughput, quantitative phase contrast imaging}, abstract = {The ability to record large field-of-view images without a loss in spatial resolution is of crucial importance for imaging science. For most imaging techniques however, an increase in field-of-view comes at the cost of decreased resolution. Here we present a novel extension to ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging that permits simultaneous full-field imaging of multiple locations by illuminating the sample with spatially separated, interfering probes. This technique allows for large field-of-view imaging in amplitude and phase while maintaining diffraction-limited resolution, without an increase in collected data i.e. diffraction patterns acquired.}, year = {2018}, journal = {Ultramicroscopy}, volume = {184}, chapter = {164}, pages = {164-171}, month = {2018-01}, issn = {03043991}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304399116303011}, doi = {10.1016/j.ultramic.2017.08.018}, }