@article{3281, author = {M. Martin and M. Bishof and M. Swallows and X. Zhang and Craig Benko and J. von Stecher and Alexey Gorshkov and Ana Maria Rey and Jun Ye}, title = {A Quantum Many-Body Spin System in an Optical Lattice Clock}, abstract = {Strongly interacting quantum many-body systems arise in many areas of physics, but their complexity generally precludes exact solutions to their dynamics. We explored a strongly interacting two-level system formed by the clock states in 87Sr as a laboratory for the study of quantum many-body effects. Our collective spin measurements reveal signatures of the development of many-body correlations during the dynamical evolution. We derived a many-body Hamiltonian that describes the experimental observation of atomic spin coherence decay, density-dependent frequency shifts, severely distorted lineshapes, and correlated spin noise. These investigations open the door to further explorations of quantum many-body effects and entanglement through use of highly coherent and precisely controlled optical lattice clocks.}, year = {2013}, journal = {Science}, volume = {341}, pages = {632-636}, month = {2013-08}, issn = {0036-8075}, url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/doi/10.1126/science.1236929}, doi = {10.1126/science.1236929}, }