@inbook{2448, author = {A. Ludlow and G. Campbell and S. Blatt and M. Boyd and M. Martin and Travis Nicholson and M. Swallows and J. Thomsen and Tara Fortier and C. Oates and Scott Diddams and N. Lemke and Z. Barber and S. Porsev and Jun Ye}, title = {Quantum Metrology with Lattice-confined Ultracold SR Atoms}, year = {2009}, volume = {7}, chapter = {Part II: Frequency and Metrology}, pages = {73-81}, month = {2009-01}, publisher = {World Scientific}, issn = {978-981-283-822-3}, isbn = {978-981-4468-84-8}, url = {http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/7159$\#$t=toc}, doi = {10.1142/9789812838223_0007}, }