@article{12821, keywords = {Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics}, author = {Matthew Jacobs and Yuka Esashi and Nicholas Jenkins and Nathan Brooks and Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane and Michael Tanksalvala}, title = {High-resolution, wavefront-sensing, full-field polarimetry of arbitrary beams using phase retrieval}, abstract = {

Recent advances in structured illumination are enabling a wide range of applications from imaging to metrology, which can benefit from advanced beam characterization techniques. Solving uniquely for the spatial distribution of polarization in a beam typically involves the use of two or more polarization optics, such as a polarizer and a waveplate, which is prohibitive for some wavelengths outside of the visible spectrum. We demonstrate a technique that circumvents the use of a waveplate by exploiting extended Gerchberg–Saxton phase retrieval to extract the phase. The technique enables high-resolution, wavefront-sensing, full-field polarimetry capable of solving for both simple and exotic polarization states, and moreover, is extensible to shorter wavelength light.

}, year = {2022}, journal = {Optics Express}, volume = {30}, pages = {27967}, month = {2022-07}, publisher = {Optica Publishing Group}, issn = {1094-4087}, doi = {10.1364/oe.461658}, }